Enrol a Rider

Who can ride?

We welcome all children who might benefit from our programme, who have challenges which affect their development or their quality of life.

We take riders with a wide range of challenges. Riders may have physical disabilities, learning difficulties, emotional or behavioural challenges, multiple disabilities.

Each rider’s learning programme is based on individual goals relevant to that rider.

We have a specially designed mounting ramp for wheel chair users.

Sorry we do not have capacity for adult riders at present, but hope to broaden our services when we have our Covered Riding Facility up and running.

If a child needs a lot of support to mount the horse, there is a weight limit of 32kg.  This is for the safety of the child and our volunteers.

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How to Apply

To apply, click the Rider Application form below, complete and return to riding@westaucklandrda.org.nz

or post to

West Auckland RDA
P.O Box 21-830
Auckland 0650

Our Rider Co-ordinator, will be in touch about which programme might suit your child, and when spaces might be available.

Getting Started

When we have a space for your child, our Rider Co-ordinator will be in touch again, to get the necessary permission forms signed, including medical consent from the rider’s doctor or therapist. 

On Day 1, a trained RDA Coach and/or RDA Therapist will assess the rider prior to getting on the horse. Over the first few weeks of riding, the Coach / Therapist will continue to observe and assess, and will develop goals for the rider to work towards. You can talk to the coach at any stage, if you wish to discuss any aspect of our programme.

Riding helmets are provided and fitted by RDA.  The helmet will then be named for your child and kept in the helmet cabinet.  Some riders do not have to wear a helmet for medical or other reasons. If this is the case, the rider will be supported by two side walkers whilst riding.

Riders need to wear long pants, preferably with some stretch (not tight jeans).  Shorts are not suitable as skin can be pinched in stirrup leathers or rubbed excessively.  Sturdy covered shoes, boots or trainers.  In winter, a warm jacket will be needed.

Riding Therapy Fees

Fees are $138 per school term.  An invoice will be sent out at the start of each term.  Payment can be made by internet transfer, cash or cheque. Families may be able to receive support through organisations, such as the Cerebral Palsy Society (Get Physical vouchers) and Ministry of Health Carer Support Scheme.

We look forward to welcoming you to West Auckland RDA and working with you to provide the most benefit to your child.